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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Letter to the Editor 6/26/08

Dear Editor,
I recently lost my little dog Hobo. Darryl Williams called me one morning informing me about a dog (Hobo’s description) that had been found. The little fellow had fallen in the ditch on Kelson Avenue. Sara took him in, fed and watered him. He then left her house visiting the neighborhood and next stopped at Donna’s house. She also fed and watered him. The next morning he moved on in the neighborhood to another house. Later, Sara carried me around the neighborhood looking for him. Then Sara and Donna walked around looking for him at dusk. Hobo was not in sight.
The next morning Sara called me saying my little Hobo was on the way home. He had returned to Donna’s and she was returning him to me. He was gone six days and lost four pounds. The vet cleaned him up and he is my little Hobo again. Now Sara and Donna are strangers.
I just wanted to let all of you out there know that people are caring in the needs of others. I’m grateful to Darryl, Sara and Donna for helping me find and recover my beloved Hobo.
Muriel Spink

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