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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Local Cub Scouts Tour Eglin Aviation Museum


Cub Scouts from Pack 170 in Marianna enjoyed a field trip on July 19, to the Eglin Air Force Armament Museum (AFAM), which is just north of Ft. Walton Beach /Destin. The AFAM is the only museum in the world dedicated to the collection, preservation, and exhibition of artifacts and memorabilia associated with Air Force Armament and its’ delivery platforms.
Staff Sergeant Alan Mathis of the Air Force 202nd Division, who is the father of Bear Scout Ryan Mathis, helped with arrangements for the trip and a tour of the facility. Scout leaders Steve and Mary Ann Hutton were also instrumental in making the trip possible for the boys. Several officers talked with the scouts and provided much interesting information, as well as answering many questions from the scouts.
Two of the officers, Captain Mark Morrell and Captain Ed Long, were involved in the scouting program during their youth and progressed to the highest rank of Eagle Scout. Following the tour of the outside equipment and all the displays inside the two-story museum, a picnic lunch was enjoyed by the scouts before departing to return home. If you would like to know more about scouting, please e-mail Mary Ann Hutton at, or call 209-2818.

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