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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Celebrating ‘Marianna Day’- Our Special Holiday

The Spirit of Those Who Fought in the Civil War is Honored
By Kendall Boggs

Saturday was a very special day of recognition for one of the soldiers who fought for the South in the Civil War. The Theophilus West, M.D. Camp # 1346 held a headstone dedication for Honorable Allen Henry Bush. The service was held at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Cemetery, where Allen Henry Bush lies in state.
Bush was born in Georgia in 1809. He moved to Florida and practiced law in Marianna from the early part of the 1840s until he passed away. For a stint of a few years, Bush was the local circuit judge in this area. During the Civil War, he served as a legal advisor for Governor John Milton.
When he was 55 years old, he listed as a private in Captain Norwood’s "Cradle to Grave" Militia Company. During the Marianna Raid on September 27, 1864, he was taken captive and imprisoned at New Orleans, Ship Island, and Elmira, New York. After the war, Private Allen Henry Bush returned to Marianna and continued practicing law.
The dedication service included speeches from various members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and Commander Robert Daffin and Ashley Pollette received awards from the group. Around 50 people attended the opening ceremony celebrating ‘Marianna Day.’
After the dedication concluded, guests were led to Marianna’s Confederate Park where the Henry Milton Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy had a wreath laying ceremony. A 21 gun solute was preformed honoring the heroism of those who died for home and honor.
Following this ceremony, a Civil War living history program was held at the Citizen’s Lodge. Civil War re-enactors demonstrated how life was for civilians as well as members of the military during the difficult years of 1864 -1865.

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