Estelle Godfrey Exemplifies Human Strength and Character
(Estelle Godfrey article Oil Painting by Linda Hatcher - Classic Photography)
By Times Staff
By Times Staff
At a family gathering in February, Estelle Godfrey and her family celebrated her 85th birthday. Estelle continues her busy life as a mother, grandmother, home maker and part time book keeper.
Widowed as a young woman in 1962 when her husband died of kidney disease at the early age of 36 in 1962. With four children ages 7-14 at that time, Estelle worked diligently to hold the family together as a single mother. At that time there were few programs available to assist women in this unfortunate circumstance.
Her salary from Florida State Hospital, countless hours working at other tasks to generate enough income for the family’s needs, and a bountiful blessing of family love, sustained this determined woman and her four dependents during those difficult years.
The foundation she provided for her four children, Ken Godfrey, Linda Hatcher, Mary Ann O’Brian, and Cecelia Farmer, has enabled them all to become productive, college educated, Christ loving citizens. This accomplishment was always the subject of her many prayers.
Everyone who knows Estelle Godfrey appreciates the sacrifices she made to properly raise her family, and what a wonderful job she has done as a loving mother. Estelle gives God the glory for helping her through many difficult times and for always answering her prayers. Happy Birthday Estelle!!
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