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Thursday, May 21, 2009

How Healthy is Your Brain Wave Activity?

By Sid Riley

New "Better Brain Care" clinic opens in Marianna

Dr. Jack Golden PhD, and Barry Jones MSW, have opened a new clinic at 2917-COptimist Drive in Marianna. This clinic utilizes ‘neurofeedback’ to read brain wave activities during various tasks. They then develop a program of corrective programming to create conditioning of these brain waves to improve concentration, performance, and abilities. They specialize in treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Asperger, Migraines, Anxiety, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PMS, Fibromyalgia, Learning Disorders, and other neurological disorders.
The first step is to have a detailed EEG prepared which maps the brain wave activity. Some brain waves are normal and beneficial, while waves of too slow or too fast cycles create unwanted, disruption to thought and performance. The brain can be conditioned through programmed exercises to decrease the incidence of unwanted brain wave activities, while normal, desirable brain wave activity is increased. Often this course of treatment enables patients to discontinue traditional drug therapy for these types of disorders.
Sessions are normally 45 minutes in duration, and are conducted on a twice per week basis. The total number of sessions will vary with the type of disorder and the severity of the problem.
They are open in Marianna on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 9:00 A.M. until 4:30 P.M..
For more information, visit They can be reached at their Tallahassee offices at 950-656-1129.

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