By Sid Riley
Milton Pittman has served the citizens of Jackson County as the Commissioner from District Five for eleven years and six months. He wants to add another fourth term to his years of service as a commissioner. Pittman is proud of the many accomplishments he has seen the county implement over the years.
Most notably would be the role the Commission played in locating the Family Dollar Distribution Center in our area, the expansion of Rex Lumber Company in Graceville, Green Circle Bio Energy which is nearing completion near Cottondale, and the placement of a girls juvenile detention center in our County. They are currently working on the project for the new bottling plant and an additional prison at the Graceville Park.
Milton Pittman and his wife Jo, formerly Jo Basford of Grand Ridge, live in the Lovedale-Two Egg Community, where they have raised their three children, Angie, Jeff, and John. They are now the proud grandparents of three grandchildren. They are lifelong members of the Lovedale Baptist Church.
Pittman wants to manage the growth in Jackson County in a manner that will preserve the high quality of life here that we all enjoy. He points to his recent efforts in the leasing and management of state lands by the County for recreational and eco-tourism. These would include the significant improvements made to the Blue Springs Recreational Area, the Citizens Lodge and Park Area, and the Spring Creek Park improvements. Pittman was directly involved in arranging a thirty year lease with the U. S. Corps of Engineers on Lake Seminole for the boat ramps on the west side of the Chattahoochee River. Also, the county is preparing to engage in a program of extensive resurfacing and widening of numerous roads as well as a long term county paving program.
Milton feels he is a fiscal conservative, a trait created by his experience in owning and operating his own farming business and working for the farming community as a commissioner. He understands the pressure facing the small businessman today, especially farmers. Over his past three terms he has worked diligently to limit millage rates while maintaining and increasing the services delivered to the citizens by the county.
Milton Pittman has also served as past chairman and current director of the GFA Peanut Association Board, is currently Chairman of the Florida Rural Utility Finance Commission, is a past Director Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, and of the Jackson County Farm Bureau as past director, and is a past president of the Jackson County Cattleman’s Association. He is also a past board member and past chairman of the FSA Committee in Jackson County. This wide ranging history of public service better qualifies him to perform in the capacity of a County Commissioner.
"There is no substitute for ‘hands-on’ experience in working with county finances, county road projects, and in dealing with all of the issues of managing growth in our county", Pittman states. "With budget cuts looming in our future, and uncertain of the future flow of revenues, our county will need astute management in the coming years in order to maintain services and properly control spending. I am well prepared for the task at hand".
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