Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Chipola Students Honored at Awards Ceremony
The following students received academic awards: Jared Moseley of Bonifay, Joseph Brandon Yon of Chipley, Freshman Computer Science; Christian Smith of Grand Ridge, Sophomore Computer Science; Esther Meng Burlison of Bonifay, Information Technology; Brandon C. Bryant of Bonifay, Biology for Science Majors; Lora A. Parsons of Cottondale, Microbiology; Ryan E. Wells of Altha, Freshman Chemistry; John D. Byrd of Graceville, Sophomore Chemistry; Jantzen Whitehead of Cottondale, Physical Science; Kyrie L. Strickland of Bonifay, Earth Science; Ciarra N. Jackson of Graceville, Calculus I; Bradley Nissley of Blountstown, Calculus II; Brandon Bryant of Bonifay, Calculus III; Julian “Trey” Paul, III of Bonifay, C.H. Barton Award; Jonathan Carr of Grand Ridge, Freshman English; Mark Hodge of Bonifay, Sophomore English; Michael N. Gillikin of Alford, Dr. Robert E. Ringer Award; Mark Hodge of Bonifay, Social and Behavioral Science.
The following nursing students received awards: Alesia Green of Greenwood, Clinical Excellence (fourth semester); Sabrina Spence of Marianna, Academic Excellence (fourth semester); Regina Boyce of Bonifay, Clinical Excellence (fifth semester) and Stevey Pope of Marianna, Academic Excellence (fifth semester).
Students in Workforce Development programs received the following awards: Anthony Newton of Greenwood, Electronic Engineering Technology; Jeremy Lewis of Cottonwood, Ala., Computer Engineering; Fred Lee Gilley of Bonifay, Computer Systems Technology; Jacob Schreffler of Marianna, Welding; Delbridge Edwards of Chattahoochee, Automotive; Timothy L. Hendrix of Marianna, Corrections; Donald Wadkins of Pace, Firefighting; Erika Hunter of Marianna, Cosmetology; Michael P. Miller of Altha, Law Enforcement; Michael Jess McWilliams of Sneads, Surveying and Mapping..
Three students received awards for athletics: Tyler Bumgarner of Marietta, Ga., Charlton Keen Scholar Athlete Award; Ashley Duce of Greenwood, Neal Sportsmanship Award; Erik Blount of Chipley and Ashley Duce of Greenwood, Cheerleader Award.
The following students received awards for extracurricular activities: Mark Hodge of Bonifay, Jantzen Whitehead of Cottondale, Chuck Bryant of Bonifay, Deloney Brain Bowl Award; Brandy Blighton of Greenwood, Science Club; Tanya Savell of Blountstown, Student Ambassadors; Blaire Taylor of Marianna, Alicia Hatcher of Greenwood, Courtney Corbin of Graceville, Student Government Association; Veronica Oliver of Marianna, Mu Alpha Theta; Amy C. Redmond of Altha, Outstanding Musicianship; Juliann Pettis of Bonifay, Library Award; Shannon Alicia Hatcher of Greenwood and Glen Thompson of Malone, USA Today’s Academic All-American’s.
Two awards were given to non-students. The student body selected Pam Rentz, Distinguished Faculty Award; Bonnie Smith, for the Distinguished Administrators Service Award.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Local Builder Delayed Over 12 Months For Permitting
By Sid Riley
His frustration comes after struggling to get permitting approved for a small six lot private development just off highway 71, near Sunland. He has repeatedly been before the planning commission and the board of commissioners over the past year as he struggled with the bureaucratic processes involved in getting final approval for the development.
The basic problem seems to lie in conflicting and overlapping definitions and code requirements for a small subdivision within the County Code Ordinances and the County Comprehensive Land Use Plan. This situation is compounded by the relative inflexibility of the Comprehensive Plan, which requires a lengthy bureaucratic process before any changes or amendments can be made.
This conflict is heightened by what appears to be a growing conflict between Planning Director Schairer and Grant, who once worked in the Planning/Inspection Department.
The Planning Board members and the County Commissioners have all struggled to resolve this ongoing conflict for many months. Meanwhile, Jimmy Grant has three houses built that he can not sell, thus causing his $500,000 investment to be idled.
At Monday’s meeting of the Planning Commission, the commissioners discussed the fact that this problem was not being handled in a "Developer friendly manner", and the project was so small that it had virtually no threat of any negative impact on the citizens of Jackson County.
After much discussion, the Commission finally approved, by a 3-2 vote, a motion to move the approval process forward for consideration by the Board of County Commissioners. Meanwhile, steps are being taken to amend the Comprehensive Plan in order to remove small projects from the subdivision regulations in order to have this type of project be under the more flexible County Subdivision Regulations. This will still take several months to accomplish.
Confederate Memorial Day Is Saturday, April 26

By Sid Riley
Additionally, the organization is seeking input for a video being prepared entitled "Confederate Tales". One person recently taped for this video was a ninety-nine year old resident whose Civil War ancestor was from North Carolina. If you have any family stories about ancestors who took part in this war, please call 482-3477 or 663-2570 to discuss video taping your story.
The William Henry Milton Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy was organized in a meeting held at the old Chipola Hotel in October of 1906. The official charter was granted by the national organization the next month. The initial group was led by Mrs. W. H. Milton, and Mrs. R.L. Moore. A few years later a subsidiary organization, The Children of the Confederacy, was founded by Mrs. B. S. Liddon, and Mrs. W.R. Snead, with Miss Maggie Liddon as the first President. Later Mrs. M. Guyton became Director. It was this group that was instrumental in having appropriate markers placed at the graves in the Old Cemetery and the Episcopal Cemetery.
Through fund raising activities and a $5,000 grant from the State Legislature in 1921, the Daughters of the Confederacy obtained the marble shaft monument that today is displayed in the western end of Marianna Monument Park as a tribute to those soldiers felled in the Battle of Marianna. The monument was dedicated in November, 1921 after an address made by then Govenor Cary Hardee. The State Legislature also made an annual appropriation of $600 for upkeep and maintenance of the park. A pavilion and several benches were added in 1930.
In 1927, while Mrs. F.T. McKinnon was President of the chapter, the State Confederate Reunion was held in Marianna. The organization has remained active since it’s inception in 1906, and today has sixteen members. If you have any interest in this group, please contact Mrs. Nadine Standland at 482-3477.
Governor Crist Selects Brantley Clark as New 14th Circuit Judge In Marianna

By Sid Riley
On Tuesday afternoon Florida Governor Charlie Crist interviewed the three finalist who were seeking the position as Judge for the 14th Circuit. The position was recently vacated by Judge Smiley when he left to help fill the position vacated by Judge Glen Hess when he began a bid to become the 14th Circuit States Attorney.
The three finalists for the interview with the Governor were Brantley Clark from Panama City, David House from Blountstown, and Joe Grammer of Panama City. On Tuesday the Governor announced his decision. Our new judge will be Judge Brantley Clark.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Local Redneck Fisherman Becomes Author

By Sid Riley
Local Chipola Students, Alicia Hatcher and Glen Thompson, Win State and National Awards

Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship are the four hallmarks of Phi Theta Kappa, the International Honor Society of the two year College. And for Chipola students Alicia Hatcher and Glen Thompson, they are a way of life.
Alicia first began her involvement in Phi Theta Kappa as an early admissions senior in 2006 with the encouragement of Phi Theta Kappa advisor Pam Rentz. Since then, she has participated in service projects such as Project Prom, a project to provide Katrina ravaged Bay St. Louis, MS students with their dream prom and Campaign for Literacy, a project targeting students from kindergarten to college.
In February Alicia received notification that she had been chosen as one of thirty Phi Theta Kappa members to be named to the 2008 All-Florida Academic Team First Team. Sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society-Florida Region, the Florida Association of Community Colleges and the Foundation for Florida’s Community Colleges, this was the thirteenth year an All-Florida Academic Team was named as a means of recognizing Florida’s outstanding students. Nomination by their college for the USA Today/Phi Theta Kappa sponsored All-USA Academic Team and their standing in this national competition determines student selection for the All-Florida Academic Team.
On April 15, 2008 Alicia, along with fellow Chipola sophomore Glenn Thompson was honored in Tallahassee at the 2008 All-Florida Academic Team Awards Ceremony. Based on participation in honors organizations, awards and honors for academic and technical accomplishments, academic enrichment through study and internships, sharing academic attainment, knowledge, skills and cultural enrichment, both students as All-Florida Academic Team members received Phi Theta Kappa medallions in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments.
At the same time that Alicia and Glen were notified of their selection to the All-Florida Academic Team, they also found they had been chosen as one of 60 outstanding two-year college students to be named to the All-USA Academic Team, chosen from a selection of 1600 outstanding student nominees. As a member of the All-USA Academic Team Third Team, Alicia received national recognition in the April 7, 2008 USA Today newspaper. Glen Thompson who won second team awards was also nationally recognized in USA Today.
In March Alicia found that she had been named one of twenty Guistwhite Scholars internationally. The Guistwhite Scholar Program is named in honor of Dr. Jack Guistwhite and his wife, Margaret who established the first designated transfer scholarships for Phi Theta Kappa members. Guistwhite Scholarships are based on academic achievement, participation in Phi Theta Kappa programs and service to their colleges and communities. Chosen by a panel of independent judges, Guistwhite Scholars are awarded a $5,000 scholarship to be used during their junior and senior years of college. This award was presented at the 90th International Convention held in Philadelphia, PA April 3-5, 2008.
While in Philadelphia Alicia was awarded one of thirty Distinguished Chapter Officer Hallmark Awards, given internationally. The Hallmark Award Program is a competitive awards program which in this case recognizes individuals for excellence in the Society’s Hallmarks of Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship.
Along with Phi Theta Kappa, Alicia is an active member of the Student Government Association where she served as Freshman Class President, Student Ambassadors, Mu Alpha Theta where she served as President, Pre-Med Society, Honors Club where she serves as vice-president, and Governance Council. She is currently Scholarship Officer for Phi Theta Kappa.
A special ceremony was held on Thursday, April 17 in the atrium of the Literature/Language Building honoring these two outstanding students. A portrait of each student will be hung on the Chipola Academic Wall of Honor at this time.
Glen Thompson, a Malone High Graduate is the son of Tommy and Marcia Thompson of Malone. He is active in many school organizations, including being a Service Officer with Phi Theta Kappa, Senator in Student Government, Student Leader in Chipola Honors Group, is a volunteer coach and referee for youth sports, is a volunteer for JCARC, is a volunteer worker for Partners for Pets, worked in Katrina clean-up as volunteer, and assisted in campus breast cancer awareness seminar.
Alicia is the daughter of Chuck and Patte Hatcher of Dellwood and is a graduate of Graceville High School. She has one sister, India who also attends Chipola College. She is the granddaughter of Jerre and Christine Nettles of Marianna and the late Peggy B. Nettles, Woodrow and Linda Hatcher of Marianna, Pat Odom and the late Jim Odom of Dellwood, and Chuck and Eileen Brown of New Haven, CT.
The Jackson County Times offers congratulations to these two outstanding local stuents.
City Purchases Historical National Bank Building for $100,000

The building was erected in 1902 on the previous site of the W.J. Daniel and Company private bank. At the time of construction it was one of the finest bank buildings in the state.
It is claimed that the first loose-leaf ledger and first adding machine used in a Florida bank were used here. The attractive structure facing Confederate Park was renovated in 1993.
The City of Marianna used accumulated CRA funds for the purchase. As part of the program for restoration of downtown Marianna under the direction of Main Street Marianna, this fine building will certainly be a significant addition to that continuing effort. It is hoped that a feasibility study can be funded through state grants to determine what must be done to the facility to bring it up to codes for public use. Then, through coordination with the Historical Society and local Arts Associations, it is hoped that this beautiful building can be used to house a Museum of Local History and Arts.
The Jackson County Times congratulates the city administrators for accomplishing this purchase and look forward to the day when this facility houses a museum which demonstrates the history of our area as well as local arts and crafts.
Steve Meadows Wants To Remain State Attorney for the 14th Circuit

By Sid Riley
Steve Meadows became our State Attorney four years ago, and he wants to keep the job. He feels that much has been accomplished and much remains to be done. He feels if elected for another term he will be able to effectively serve the citizens of the 14th circuit as an experienced, seasoned prosecutor.
Meadows is a native and life-long resident of the Florida panhandle region. After graduating from Bay High School in 1976, Steve enlisted in the US Army, and served in the 101st Air Assault Division and the US Army Aviation Center. After separation from the service, Steve went to work for the Panama City Police Department, and later for the Bay County Sheriff’s Department.
During the eight years he was working as a uniformed police officer he attended night school and graduated from Florida State University, magna cum laude with a BS in Criminology. He later continued his studies to eventually earn his Juris Doctor degree. After law school he worked as a prosecuting attorney in the State Attorney’s Office for fifteen years.
Meadows is the proud father of three daughters, Megan, Jenny, and Kristen.
Recent highlights of activities involving the State Attorney’s office have included the conviction of Robert Bailey for the murder of Panama City Beach Police Sgt. Kevin Kite. Through the prosecution effort, Bailey was given the death sentence for the murder. Another successful effort was the grand jury indictment gained in Jackson County against Wesley Williams for the murder of Danielle Baker and her four children in a Marianna apartment complex. Throughout this investigation the State Attorney’s office worked closely with the Marianna Police Department and the Jackson County Sheriff’s department to assist in gaining this indictment.
Another hot issue involving the State Attorney’s office was the decision of the Medical Examiner Commission for removal of Charles Siebert from his position as the District 14 Medical Examiner. Feeling this action was politically motivated, Meadows took a public stand in defense of Siebert.
Other programs initiated or supported by the Department under the guidance of Steve Meadows include the much acclaimed DVD for teen drinking and driving reduction, the creation of a Child Abduction Response Team, and involvement in the Communities Against Seniors Exploitation program. Meadows has aggressively prosecuted those who sell drugs as well as those who commit violent acts against or abuse children. Steve Meadows is proud of his Department and what they have accomplished during the past four years. He hopes to continue this important work by gaining reelection. Steve Meadows can be reached at 850-872-4473.
Monday, April 14, 2008
New History of Jackson County coming in May!

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Fame Spreading For Cottondale "Meat Man"

By Sid Riley
Barbequing is an Art…and Forrest Dilmore of Cottondale has been grilling a lot of masterpieces lately. His culinary skills were much appreciated at the East Point Florida Fire Department Charity Bar-B-Q in March where Forrest’s Fine Foods of Cottondale won in three of the top four categories for the event, and brought home the grand championship trophy.
His barbequed chicken strutted away with the prize in the chicken competition, while his Boston butt and brisket entries both took top honors in their categories. Dilmore prepares his meats with a special dry rub and injects them with secret sauces prior to introducing them to his controlled cooking techniques. The result is a prize winning "unique flavor" that is winning him fame and fortune in the competitive barbequing circuit.
Dilmore and his barbeque buddy Walt Loftin of Dothan who cooks under the name "Pork Avenue BBQ", have a good time at the dozen or so events they enter each year. They have even started a barbequing school for those wishing to improve their skill at the grill. The school is called "BBQ Boot Camp". "The best thing about it", states Dilmore, "it is a hobby you can eat!" Contact Dilmore for information on the next scheduled class.
( or (334)699-1475)
By listening to their conversation you learn that a Boston Butt is actually a pig shoulder, baby back ribs do not come from baby pigs, but rather the loin area, and over-cooking is a common mistake. "There is a fine line between too tender and just right", they assert. And do not dare use the "G" words around them, like grilling or gas, they use only wood. They prefer cherry, maple, pear, pecan, and other trees that produce a nut or fruit.
"I had gas once", Lofton quips…."but I took something for it".
Jacob Citizens Approve Changes To City Charter
Graceville Election Results
Grotto Closing – Cornerstone Expanding
Chef Ric will be returning home to the Cornerstone Restaurant, where he will bring many of his new and exciting dishes as additions to the existing menu. Many of the existing staff members will also be transferred to the Cornerstone. "We plan to work to make the Cornerstone one of the finest restaurants in the Panhandle.
The Cornerstone will soon be expanding it’s hours and will be open on Sunday’s with breakfast offered all day as well as regular menu items. The Amora family wishes to express it’s appreciation to all of the supporters and regular customers of the Grotto, and look forward to seeing them in the future at the Cornerstone. We at the Jackson County Times wish them good fortune and brisk business.
County Is Saddened By Death of Clara Hudnall
By Sid Riley
They supported Jackson Hospital and the service it provides to the people of the county. Much of the medical facility at the hospital stands as a tribute to their history of financial support. The Hudnall building which houses doctors offices, labs and cancer treatment facilities exists as a direct result of Mrs. Hudnall’s donations.
Chipola College was another recipient of the Hudnall generosity. Along with establishing a scholarship fund, the Hudnalls provided significant financial support to many of Chipola’s needs.
In 2005 Mrs. Hudnall was recognized by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce as the "Citizen of the Year".
The gleaming gold dome atop the First Baptist Church is another reflection of the Hudnall generosity to their community. The van used by the church to transport seniors to services was largely provided by her donations.
The Hudnalls donated a significant percentage of the funds used to build the new Jackson County Library. The van used by the Family Stopover House for children in crisis situations is another gift they provided. There are also many, many individual charitable acts they gave to people in need, without general public knowledge or appreciation.
The standard of the benevolent, Christian spirit that Frank and Clara Hudnall provided will hopefully lead us all towards increased involvement and support of our community and our fellow man.
Mrs. Hudnall’s funeral was held Saturday at the First Baptist Church in Marianna.
The Chair Is Filled!!

By Sid Riley
" One way of describing what I am experiencing now as I try to get oriented on everything that the city has underway is that it is similar to trying to sip a drink from a fire hose", quipped Jim Dean as I interviewed him this week. The Jackson County native is very glad to have this opportunity to serve the citizens of Marianna, and the citizens of Marianna are very glad to have him as City Manager.
While we were there Jim Dean gave us an update on several issues that are now before the city. "The Kelson street project is gaining time previously lost on the project schedule, with the paving on phase two of the four phases scheduled within the next few days. Although we are still slightly behind schedule because of initial weather delays, we have gained back some of the lost time during this second phase", Dean explained.
Phase three will be reworking the road between College Street and Jefferson, and the last phase will be from Jefferson to Noland. The work currently being performed at the lift station in this last section is another project that is completely separate from the Kelson project.
Next our conversation led to the Alliance building at the airport industrial park. "That is one huge building", Dean exclaims. "We would like to locate a single tenant, but are prepared to separate the leases into several smaller users if necessary. There is manufacturing space, an office complex, and a huge warehouse. We are excited about the opportunity to bring in new occupants."
Then came the sign ordinance issue. A workshop has been scheduled for May 7th. "I hope we can get a lot of the business people and general public to come to this session and provide our commission with some meaningful input", Dean stated. "I feel that there is a good chance that some worthwhile changes may come from this approach."
While the interview was underway, Lori Harris, the wife of Louy Harris, came in and gave the new City Manager a flower arrangement and a big hug. That seemed to make Jim’s day.
We at the Jackson County Times wish Jim Dean good luck in his important new role.
100th Birthday Party for Mrs. Grace Purvis

The Ocheesee Ridge Boys & Girls played a song in her honor at the program. After her Birthday song, she was presented with a cake, plaque, corsage and orchid plant. Many Senior Citizens joined her to celebrate with cake and punch.
Milton Pittman, Proud of Record and Hopes To Continue to Serve People of County

Most notably would be the role the Commission played in locating the Family Dollar Distribution Center in our area, the expansion of Rex Lumber Company in Graceville, Green Circle Bio Energy which is nearing completion near Cottondale, and the placement of a girls juvenile detention center in our County. They are currently working on the project for the new bottling plant and an additional prison at the Graceville Park.
Milton Pittman and his wife Jo, formerly Jo Basford of Grand Ridge, live in the Lovedale-Two Egg Community, where they have raised their three children, Angie, Jeff, and John. They are now the proud grandparents of three grandchildren. They are lifelong members of the Lovedale Baptist Church.
Pittman wants to manage the growth in Jackson County in a manner that will preserve the high quality of life here that we all enjoy. He points to his recent efforts in the leasing and management of state lands by the County for recreational and eco-tourism. These would include the significant improvements made to the Blue Springs Recreational Area, the Citizens Lodge and Park Area, and the Spring Creek Park improvements. Pittman was directly involved in arranging a thirty year lease with the U. S. Corps of Engineers on Lake Seminole for the boat ramps on the west side of the Chattahoochee River. Also, the county is preparing to engage in a program of extensive resurfacing and widening of numerous roads as well as a long term county paving program.
Milton feels he is a fiscal conservative, a trait created by his experience in owning and operating his own farming business and working for the farming community as a commissioner. He understands the pressure facing the small businessman today, especially farmers. Over his past three terms he has worked diligently to limit millage rates while maintaining and increasing the services delivered to the citizens by the county.
Milton Pittman has also served as past chairman and current director of the GFA Peanut Association Board, is currently Chairman of the Florida Rural Utility Finance Commission, is a past Director Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, and of the Jackson County Farm Bureau as past director, and is a past president of the Jackson County Cattleman’s Association. He is also a past board member and past chairman of the FSA Committee in Jackson County. This wide ranging history of public service better qualifies him to perform in the capacity of a County Commissioner.
"There is no substitute for ‘hands-on’ experience in working with county finances, county road projects, and in dealing with all of the issues of managing growth in our county", Pittman states. "With budget cuts looming in our future, and uncertain of the future flow of revenues, our county will need astute management in the coming years in order to maintain services and properly control spending. I am well prepared for the task at hand".
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Suspect Arrested in Greenwood Murder
Baxter was pronounced dead on the scene. Simmons was transported to an area hospital where at last report she was in critical but stable condition.

Hayes Baggett new Marianna Chief of Police

Marianna - Jackson County native and Marianna High School graduate Hayes Baggett is the new Chief of Police for the City of Marianna.
Baggett defeated two opponents on Tuesday to claim the office.
The final vote was:
Hayes Baggett - 597
Virgil Watson - 370
Donald Bland - 97
Baggett completed the Police Standards Course at Chipola College, holds his Certification as a Police Officer, completed an AA Degree at Chipola and graduated from Florida State University with a B.S. Degree in Criminology. He has worked for the Jackson County Sheriff's Department and is currently employed at the Jackson County Probation Department.
He is married, a Director of the Optimist Club, member of Harmony Masonic Lodge #3, Elks, and serves on the Marianna Industrial Advisory Board.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Theft Arrests Reported
The arrests followed a large number of recent complaints involving the theft of copper. Acting on informationd eveloped in the investigation, investigators were watching property at 2499 Dilmore Road along with other locations in the county when they were able to arrest the two individuals. According to investigators, the two men were in the process of removing items from a White Construction Company Plant when they were arrested.
The two defendants are charged with burglary, trespass, grand theft and possession of burglary tools.
This investigation is ongoing and other arrests are expected.
Arrested were:

1559 Orange Hill Road
Chipley Florida 32428
Truck Seized by Sheriff's Department
Recently the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department has begun pursuing more aggressive measures in curtailing criminal activity by using the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act to seize property being used during the commissions of Felonies.
The Sheriff’s Department is sending a message to the criminal element who commits crimes and felonies in this county that we will use all means available to prevent the citizens and business owners in our county from becoming victims.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Three Arrested for Stealing Ice Cream Truck in Grand Ridge
The incident took place at 1:52 a.m. when a witness notified the sheriff's department that he had seen the three taking items from the store and then leaving in the ice cream truck. Deputies and Marianna Police Officers intercepted the truck on Interstate 10 a short time later. They also found a Chevrolet S-10 pickup the three had abandoned near the store in Grand Ridge.
Arrested were James David McCullers, age 19, of Ponce de Leon, Robert Eugene McCoy, age 25, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Carey Michelle Vymislicky, age 21, of Ponce de Leon.
They were charged with burglary, grand theft and grand theft auto.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
David and Eleanor Nicholson Celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary

It Is "Springs Time" in Marianna

In order to convert the facility for this use several significant modifications will have to be made to the facility design. This represents additional significant investment on the part of the new resident company. It is projected that the company will initially employ31 people with good paying jobs, with eventual growth to an employment level of 101.
This project has been facilitated by the combined effort of the Jackson County Development Council (JCDC), the Jackson County Commission, and several State agencies.
The total capital investment involved in creating this new plant will be approximately $15,000,000.00.
Prior to this successful industrial recruitment effort, and hopefully the "Project Alliance" success, the Marianna Industrial Airpark was a dying industrial park full of large, empty buildings that reflected a different era in American industrial composition. These new businesses will constitute a much needed revival of the Airpark, and should provide a significant stimulus to Jackson County. We congratulate Bill Stanton and everyone involved in our area industrial recruitment efforts.
Marianna City Commission Takes Back 287,000sq.ft. Alliance Laundry Building

A significant step was taken by the Marianna City Commission at their Tuesday meeting. They released the former Wisconsin based occupant company of the Alliance Laundry Systems (Unimac) from the long term lease contracts that required them to continue to pay lease-holder payments to the city even though they no longer occupy the facilities. Why would the city allow them to get "off the hook" and be released from their obligations?
It is believed another industrial prospect has appeared on the scene and the facility had to be made available before the prospect could move forward in its decision to come to Marianna. At the request of Bill Stanton, Director of the Jackson County Development Council, the Marianna Industrial Commission, chaired by Harold Donaldson and the Marianna City Commission voted to make the facility available for a new leaseholder. Stanton has termed this new recruitment effort as "Project Alliance", but is tight lipped as to any details relating to who this new industrial prospect might be.
We applaud the Marianna City Commission for assisting in this effort. We certainly need another job creating company operating in these large, empty buildings at our industrial airpark.
Lee Miller Announces Candidacy for Superintendent of Schools

Marianna Police Chief Election set for Tuesday

Three Candidates Running in April 8 City Election
by Sid Riley
Here are brief bios of all three candidates:
Hayes Baggett
A Jackson County native and graduate of Marianna High School, completed the Police Standards Course at Chipola, Certification as a Police Officer, an AA Degree from Chipola, and a B. S. Degree from FSU in Criminology. Baggett has worked for the Jackson County Sheriff’s Dept., and currently works in the Jackson County Probation Office. He is married, Director of Optimist Club, member of Harmony Masonic Lodge #3, Elks, and serves on the Marianna Industrial Advisory Board.
Don obtained his initial law enforcement training and certification from Chipola College in 1977. He has served as a devoted member of the Marianna Police Department for over thirty-three years, rising to the rank of Sergeant. He served under Chief’s Pittman, Palmer, and Roberts. He was the 2005 "Officer of the Year" as designated by the Jackson County Crimestoppers. Bland is also a businessman, owning and operating the popular hunting-fishing supply store, "Don’s Outdoors". He is married and has two children.
Watson is a Jackson County native and graduate of Marianna High School. Watson initially worked for Winn Dixie for seventeen years in Management. In 1992 he switched careers by obtaining his police officer certification and going to work for the Marianna Police Department under Chief Palmer. He now has fifteen years of service with the Police Force, has risen to the rank of Lieutenant, was the 2002 "Officer of the Year", and works actively with the Jackson County Drug Task Force as the representative from the Marianna Police Department. Virgil is married and has three children.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Dean caves on seating Florida Delegates: Jackson County Votes will Count
Dean had previously indicated the party would not seat delegates from Florida because the state had held its Presidential Preference Primary earlier than party leaders wanted. Such a refusal would have, effectively, ignored the votes of 1.7 million Florida voters, including more than 8,000 from Jackson County.
State Party Chair Karen Thurman, who flew to Washington on Tuesday to meet with Dean, called the announcement "a breakthrough."