By Sid Riley
6:00 Board Tuesday Meeting
Ajax Construction and Donofro & Associates made a second presentation on planned new county administration building.
At the Tuesday evening regular session of the Jackson County Commission, after routine business had been completed, the Commissioners were given an update presentation on the proposed new County Administration Building. Plans were presented with the new structure having a fourth floor which is needed to provide adequate space for future growth of government functions.
The price tag for the planned four story county building as designed by Donofro & Associates and built by Ajax Construction, would be just over $18,000,000. With costs added for site preparation, parking paving, landscaping, and internal furnishings, the final cost would approach $20,000,000.
As discussion developed on the project parking space became the most important issue. The existing properties with the new building in place, would only provide for 145 parking spaces. Commissioners realize that a parking shortage already exists around the court house area, and building this building and adding workers to this congested area would only create a worsened situation.
As a solution to the parking problem, they are embarking on a search for other adjoining properties that could be used. Of course, the purchase of additional land will also increase the overall cost of the project.
During discussions the possible use of the empty 93,000 sq. ft. Wall Mart/ Sally Mae building was brought up. The Ajax representative stated that it would cost about $10,000,000 to bring that building up to code requirements. He stated that the building would have to be rewired and new heating-air conditioning installed. However, it is our understanding that much of this updating was done when Sally Mae purchased the building.
One Commissioner stated that he did not like the building because it did not have any windows. Later, an attendee stated that the existing administration building also did not have windows.
The matter will be brought to the agenda again after pricing for additional property has been determined.
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