After a week of final exams and late night study sessions, 64 seniors at The Baptist College of Florida (BCF) in Graceville, FL excitedly walked across the stage on May 16 to receive their graduation diploma. Family and friends began gathering in the BCF Assembly Center in the early morning hours in support of their graduating seniors. Flashing cameras and smiles were in abundance as parents, grandparents, spouses, children, siblings, and friends, all celebrated this milestone and academic accomplishment with the 2008 Spring graduating class.
The commencement ceremony began promptly as the administration, faculty, and graduating seniors marched in to take their seats of honor. BCF President Thomas A. Kinchen welcomed guests and specifically recognized family members who had sacrificed time, provided monetary support, and prayed for the graduates to make this day possible.
Accolades continued as Kinchen honored two of Florida’s extraordinary men of faith, Peter L. Chamberlain, President of B. R. Chamberlain & Sons, Inc., and James W. McCall, Pastor Emeritus at First Baptist Church Sebring, FL, commending them for their exemplary lives of service and devotion to Jesus Christ. They were presented with Honorary Doctorates of Christian Letters, one of the highest honors granted from an academic institution.
Graduating senior, Kim Graham, provided the special music singing Shepherd of My Heart declaring devotion to the Lord in good times and bad.
Starting his 19th year as President of The Baptist College of Florida, Kinchen gave the commencement address issuing the graduating class a two question pop quiz, "Who do men say Jesus is, and who do you say Jesus is? Many people say that Jesus is just a good man," stated Kinchen. "But He is more than just a good man, He is the God man. He is the story on the bumper sticker, the story in jewelry, and the story on the billboard. He is the living God, current Savior, lamb without blemish, the guiding light, the one sent to redeem, and the carpenter busy preparing a place for you, He Lives!" With Amen’s of agreement and frequent applause, Kinchen motivated graduates to let the living God guide their ministry and their lives.
Graduates received diplomas in various areas to include Associate of Divinity, Associate of Arts in Music, Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies, Christian Counseling, Christian Education, Christian Studies, Church Music, Contemporary Worship Ministry, Elementary Education, Leadership, Ministry, Missions, Theology, Music Education and Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies. This was another record number of graduates for the college that is "Changing the World Through the Unchanging Word®."
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