Friday, March 7, 2008

Kenny Griffin Wants To Do More For School System

Kenny Griffin wants to continue the work started during his tenure on the Jackson County School Board
By Sid Riley

Kenny Griffin currently represents District 2 on the Jackson County School Board. He has held that seat for twelve years, and wants to continue to serve the citizens of the county in order to complete the programs and projects that have been initiated during his tenure. Thus, he has announced to the Jackson County Times that he will campaign to retain his position on the School Board in this year’s election. He is opposed by Cottondale resident and Chipley Elementary teacher, Nancy Deese.
Kenny Griffin was born in Jackson County and attended Jackson County Public Schools, graduating from Cottondale High School and then Chipola College. He later attended Troy State College.
He is married to Mary Nell Drummond Griffin, also of Cottondale. They have two sons, Kevin and Brad who graduated from Cottondale High. They have five grandchildren.
Kenny is currently serving as Business Director with the Chipola Regional Workforce Board. He has over thirty years of management experience in the private sector, including holding the position of Vice President with the former Lehigh Furniture Company. He and his dad, R.A. Griffin, own and operate a small cattle operation.
Griffin has served for several years on the Board of Directors of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, and was Board Chairman in 2004. Kenny Griffin feels his many years of management and administrative experience bring a needed dimension to the School Board. Also, his work with the Chipola Regional Workforce Board has enhanced his perspective of the needed relationship between Education and Workforce Skills.
Griffin states that he is very proud of the progress the school system in Jackson County has made during his tenure on the School Board, especially in the area raising salaries for the employees of the system. With the probability of reduced budgets on the horizon, he feels experience in frugal management of resources will be essential over the next few years. Because of careful oversight of school funds over the past years, the Jackson County School District is entering this difficult period in sound financial condition.
Kenny states that during his next term he will continue to work closely with the School District in further implementation of the Career Academies program in each of our county High Schools. "My position with the Workforce Board will make coordination of these Career Academies programs easier and more effective," states Mr. Griffin. "I look forward to serving again as your School Board Member for District 2".
Kenny Griffin can be reached at

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