Friday, March 7, 2008

Judge Glen Hess Formally Announces Candidacy For States Attorney Position

Hess is a man on a mission…
By Sid Riley

On Tuesday afternoon at the Jackson County Chamber offices, Judge Glenn Hess formally announced his entry into the political arena as he becomes a candidate for the position of States Attorney, running against the incumbent Steve Meadows. Hess recently stepped down from the secure position he has held for the past twelve years as Circuit Judge in the 14th Judicial Circuit, in preparation for seeking the job of States Attorney.
Hess is giving up a judgeship that offers him job security, state retirement, and pay and benefits that are on par with those of the State Attorney job. Why would he give up a prestigious position as Circuit Judge for a more political and demanding job as State Attorney? Hess states that he sees a need for improvement of the local law enforcement process, and feels that he can fill that need and thus better serve the citizens of this area.
Hess will be running as a Democrat. Since he is entering the race at a fairly late date, he states he is behind in fund raising and campaigning, but plans to be very, very active between now and the November election date. He emphasizes that Jackson County is very important to him in this effort, and he will be spending a lot of time in our communities.
He feels, at the present time, the office of State Attorney is lacking in training for young lawyers, is not prosecuting enough criminal cases, and places too much emphasis on plea bargains. He simply states "We can do better".

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