Monday, September 7, 2009

Marianna City Commission Overview

Meeting of Tuesday, September 01, 2009
By Sid Riley
At the regular meeting of the Marianna City Commission, the following actions were taken:
● Listened to financial report from Marianna Health and Rehab. Department is ahead of budget for the year. Occupancy last month was down slightly to 86%, but has picked up now that summer season has ended. Income from therapy activities is strong.
● Approved emergency purchase of roof top air conditioner at Health and Rehab.
● Approved Bertha Walker as Employee of the Month.
● Approved Mr. Luis Aviles as City Employee of the Month.
● Listened to appeal of bid presented by Mr. Atchison of Phoenix Coatings. Denied appeal. (See Story)
● Approved ordinance 983 for 3% water rate increase. Wanted automatic 3% escalation clause omitted from ordinance.
● Approved major Development Order for new facility at Chipola College. (See Story)
● Approved engineering services agreement for SRG Drinking Water Project ($3 million)
● Approved resolution for bond issue for USDA loan for $216,000 to be put with $100,000 stimulus fund grant for new fire truck and two EMS vehicles.
● Approved USDA fund application for $5.8 million dollar road project loan to be paid with bond issue.
● Approved acceptance of $414,000 FAA grant for joint and crack sealing project at airport.
● Approved agreement to give Donofro and Associates Architectural contract for FRDAP grant of $232,000 for improvements and expansion of MERE complex.
● Approved Melvin Engineering to perform engineering services on project to rehab a lift station within the city system.
● Awarded Cross Construction contract bid of $20,000 for demolition and removal of 10 condemned structures within city.
● Approved modification of city pay plan.
● Approved permit for Marianna Day Parade and Battle of Marianna Reenactment on September 26.
● Approved new $5 and $10 fees for fingerprinting by City Police Dept.
● Approved moving of city limits sign on Caverns Road to new limit position at Caverns Park.
● Discussed organization of Main Street Marianna. Put issue on agenda for special meeting and workshop on September 9.
● Approved surplus items sale on September 12, to be held at 5529 Highway 231 in Campbellton, at 8:00 AM.